It’s easy to get overwhelmed with “where to start” or how to plug back in. Remember the important thing is to commit to doing the work—today, and every day that you’re able. Here’s a list of potential actions you can take in addition to continuing to educate yourself.

Support calls to #DefundThePolice

Portland’s recent proposed city budget included an unacceptable $256 million for police. Some funds are being diverted and invested in the community, but more needs to be done.

Make a donation that’s meaningful

Here’s a list of possibilities! Support organizations led by other people of color, including immigrants and refugees, small businesses, and more.

We recommend to try and donate an amount that makes you a little uncomfortable (if you’re able to). Does $10 seem safe? Then try $25. Does $25 seem safe? Then try $50. Does $50 seem safe? Then try $100. Engage in resource moving, addressing systemic wealth inequity stemming from colonial history and white supremacy culture, through your personal and professional networks.


In person. If it’s possible and safe for you to be on the streets, get out there! Mask up, of course. Protests are being organized by many different groups. Please remember to not take up space where people who can speak from experience should have the mic.

  • Attend the Keaton Otis Vigil
    • On the 12th of every month (NE 6th and Halsey Street, occasionally on Zoom).
  • Consider organizing or joining a car caravan protest, like the one organized by Pacific Northwest Family Circle.
  • Get “out there” on social media. Promote the voices of Black people and other People of Color.

Seek out conversations, interventions, and accountability with other white folks

Remember that much of the most important work white people can be doing starts in our homes, our workplaces, and our communities. Commit to “inviting people in” (not shaming and blaming) and having hard conversations with other white people. Commit to being uncomfortable. 

Join a SURJ PDX POD for learning, accountability, and community here!


Share resources and event information

Email surjpdxinfo@gmail.com

Be sure to include well-organized, key information like date, time, cost in your email. Please note that we try to refrain from sending too many emails, so we may not be able to send yours, depending on current priorities. Thank you for your understanding.

Take care of yourself and your fellow activists

It’s gonna be a long fight. We need you for the long haul. Please be sure to take care of yourself.