As of right now, SURJ PDX primarily meets and organizes over zoom and email, with quarterly membership meetings. We seek people who are interested in becoming engaged members, but we also send out community-wide emails on protests, vigils, phone banks, fundraisers, and more! Below are the steps you can take to get more involved. Contact if you have any questions.

  • New to SURJ?
    • Fill out our Interest form
    • This is where you can start your work with SURJ PDX. Whether it's becoming an member or getting on our mailing list!
    • If you want to be an member, we recommend you take part in one of our pods. It really is the best way to become more involved with our organization, while also learning at the same time.
  • Already a Member?
    • If you've already completed a SURJ PDX Pod (2020 to present) and/or SURJ PDX Onboarding (pre-2020), you qualify to become an member and can attend one of our quarterly membership meetings
  • Join an Action Group
    • BIPOC Mutual Aid - We are an action group that is committed to disrupting white supremacy through BIPOC-led mutual aid and anti-racist practice. Our vision goes beyond action; we value learning, interdependence, and supporting bravery in each other. We are building partnerships with BIPOC-led organizations including Mxm Bloc PDX, Tenacious Rose, and Brown Hope. We make communal commitments, including financial support and volunteerism with the above organizations, and meet monthly for learning and decision-making. We co-create our way of being and periodically re-evaluate our work. New members are welcome!
    • Indigenous Solidarity - Centers the struggles of local Indigenous people to work in solidarity for Indigenous sovereignty and liberation. We alternate political education and action meetings and engage in relationship-building and mutual aid opportunities with the Warm Springs Water Coalition, Portland Indigenous Marketplace, NAYA Community Garden, and others.
    • Family Action - A group of white parents/caregivers who want to center racial justice action in our lives and in our families. One of our values is making racial justice action accessible to our kids. We meet the first Sunday of every month and try to do collective action three(ish) times a year.
    • Anti-patriarchy - Educates, organizes and mobilizes people with access to white and male privilege (trans-inclusive) to work for racial, cultural, LGBTQIA+ and gender justice.
    • Police Accountability - A newly formed action group, built on past and ongoing work done by SURJ PDX with partner orgs. Our focus includes fighting for justice and accountability in cases of police violence, and fighting for change within the criminal legal system, with abolition of the criminal legal system as a north star. Current partners are Pacific Northwest Family Circle and the Keaton Otis Vigil.
    • If you’re interested in any of these Action Groups, please fill out our interest form, attend a monthly meeting, or contact